Saturday, June 19, 2010

About This Blog

This blog is my way of sharing the good books I have read, which I believe not widely circulated during its launching, almost two decades ago, and is currently not available anymore.

However, I believe everyone in this world deserves the right to know these truth-filled books. It’s such a wonderful book that has changed many lives. This book has caused One Hundred Eighty degrees turn-around of my whole outlook in life into a new direction. But these books also stole my life-long dream, my personal ambition and my original goal in life.

Nevertheless, I count myself the most blessed person in the world for being one among the few to receive these truth-filled words, making it the most precious treasure in my life.

 For more convenient to everyone around the world, you can have the option to read this blog in your own language by clicking (at the right side) the template: "Translate" and "Select Language" as you desire. I would also like to encourage you to look into the other related blogs in the Blogroll to discover more wonderful inspiring truths beyond. Godspeed!

Friday, April 30, 2010


What is the key to happiness?
True happiness emerges only from true love. God's whole being is love. Therefore, whoever encounters the love of the living God will certainly experience true happiness forever.

About the Author

The author, Teacher Suk Sun was born in Korea. He now resides in the deep mountains in a place called "Mt. Songni." With nature as his companion, his life as a woodman also consists of farming while he prays earnestly for the revival and reform of a corrupted world and religion which is rapidly becoming secularized. His prayer is an entreaty for the salvation and life of all God's children in this world.

Living a holy life as Jesus did, he comes down from the mountains once every month for ten days to hold a worldwide-seminar on the love of God.

Thousands of people from all over the world attend this seminar, and through the author's lectures, they are transformed to the image of Christ and begin a new life. Through his beautiful and holy life which is one with the word of God, people are likewise influenced and their lives transformed. People call him the "Woodman Saint."

[But I call him the very "entity of the holy spirit-God," because his writing is full of new revelations in pursuant to the Bible truth. Bible prophecy and mystery, which humanly incomprehensible, made plain that ordinary sinful man cannot know and do.]

The Road to Eternal Life

The road to eternal life that leads from the earth to the heavenly throne is by knowing God the father and the son. "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."[john 17:3]

"The knowledge of God and Jesus Christ expressed in one's character is an exaltation above everything else that is esteemed on earth or in heaven. It is the very key that opens the portals of the heavenly city. It is God's purpose that all who puts on Christ should posses this knowledge." [M.H. p.457]

All sages of all ages, all churches of the earth all Bible-learners, wanderers in despair and distress, pursuers of true life, must come to know the only true God and the son Jesus Christ to whom He has sent.-The only road to eternal life that leads from earth to the Heavenly Throne.

..."For the earth shall be fill of the Knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" [Isa.11:9]
"But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day" [Pro. 4] [This is a prophecy to be fulfilled in our time.]

To all beloved members of the human family on this earth!

Praise the Lord! Giving glory to God first, I present this book to all of you, beloved the human family.
Upon reading this book, most of you will for the first time find the only road to eternal life leading from earth to heaven. Simultaneously, you will be lead to grasp the keys to the pearly gates of heaven where our heavenly Father abides, and will once again obtain the fruit of eternal life which you may have thought was forfeited forever after the transgression and fall in Eden.

I hope that you never lose this fruit of life again, but by holding onto it firmly, make it your daily bread. As our physical life is sustained by food, so is our spiritual life sustained only by the Word of God. As we must eat everyday in order to receive nourishment, in the same way, it is the law of heaven that we live eternally on the fruit of eternal life which we receive everyday.

[The Lord God... put him in the garden of Eden to tend(the tree of life) and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man saying,... you may freely eat the Fruit of the Tree of Life)'](Gen. 2:15,16). What a precious and loving gift from God [who so loved the world,] that once again He decided to give the fruit of life and the kingdom of heaven to His children living in these last perilous days, who are falling deeper and deeper into hopeless despair without the slightest prospects of receiving eternal life.

It was totally out of my expectation to publish this book worldwide, but compelled by the inexpressible love of the Father who gave His only begotten Son for the sinners, by the matchless love of the savior, our Eldest Brother, and by the appeal of the Holy Spirit, I decided to obey Them despite my imperfections. My desire to bring these good tidings quickly to my brothers and sisters who are desperately wandering about looking for the fruit of eternal life, made me write down this book as dictated by the Father.

Because I am an unlearned and uneducated man, you will find much awkwardness on every page. Though I have made every effort to conceal the shame of my lack of education, regrettably my imperfections have been exposed despite my best efforts, so your tolerance is desired, I beg for your understanding through God's immense love and sincerely and humbly appeal to you that you may grasp the word of God, the fruit of life, and the keys of the gates of heaven, so that you, your family and your fellow countrymen may enjoy the blessings of immortality. Finally, I give glory, praise and thanksgiving to our triune God who gave to us freely, His pitiable children, this precious gift of everlasting life which we have been wondering and striving for in these last desperate hours of earth's history.

May each of you, members of the human family on earth, be filled with the blessings of the infinite love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Author, Suk Sun

Friday, April 2, 2010

Chapter l. This Is Eternal Life

[I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven]9Matt. 16:19

What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?](Mark 10:17)

"What must I do to enter heaven where there is no death?"

This has been the unceasing questions of all the people throughout all ages who [through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage](Heb.2:15]. In reality, it is an even more pressing question to us in these last days. Then, how many people throughout the ages have actually found the definite answer to this question and obtained eternal life? Through the Bible, we are plainly assured of the heart aching fact that in contrast to the thousands of millions of people in all ages who have asked this question, deplorably few have found the answer, with all the rest having died without hope.

To give a clear answer to this question, [What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life])Mark 10:17), is the unique purpose and mission of this book.

When we become subject to the power of death without hope due to our fall by the transgression which we had brought upon ourselves, our infinitely compassionate Father [loved the world (sinners) so much that His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life] (john 3:16). We well know that it was to give eternal life to us sinners that God made His Son [who knew no sin to be sin] (2cor. 5:21). Then, "What is eternal life and on what conditions can be gained" become the most important questions.

1. The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 16:19) 

In the Bible, there are plainly revealed two ways and methods for eternal life: the first one is in John 3:16 as mentioned previously, that [God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish but have everlasting life.] Jesus also made clear this first way and method by saying, [You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of me] (John 5:39).

[And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life] (John 6:40). This is the first way and method for eternal life.

Jesus teaches us the second way, [Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life; and...has passed from death into life] (John 5:24). Now we see clearly that there are only two ways and methods for eternal life, and are simple and easy. These two formula are combined together in one place - in the prayer of Jesus to His Father - [He... lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: Father... this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ (the Son), whom You have sent] (John 17:1-3). So now, when a person is filled with the profound knowledge of the holy Father and the holy Son, he or she has already received eternal life and become a real son or daughter of God, over whom the power of death cannot have dominion. In the 66 books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, there are found innumerable ways of interpreting the truth, the light, and various messages. But all these different ways merge in one place, which is the only road in heaven or on earth. It is a straight and broad road from earth to heaven, a road of the knowledge of the only true God and of Jesus Christ whom He has sent.]

When men continue to follow the narrow ways of hidden truths of light shining from the respective books of the Bible, they at last arrive at the road of John 17:3. From then on, all hidden mysteries that could not be understood by the little dim lights that have been leading them, will suddenly be clearly understood. On this new road, they will find themselves as if riding on an express bus or flying in an airplane, as if their journey toward heaven has been like riding in a slow-moving wagon on a gravel road until now. They will realize that they have already received the key from God that unlocks all the mysteries of the Bible and all the mysteries of heaven and earth. The happiness! The gratitude! The joy! Who will be able to measure them? This is the happiness that only those who have experienced can posses.

[But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day] (Prov. 4:18). This is the key of heaven that Jesus meant when He said, [And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven] (Matt. 16:19).

If John 3:16 is esteemed as the head verse of all the Bible, its conclusion and completion is John 17:3. This verse, John 17:3 is the golden road, the road of everlasting life that leads straight from earth to the very throne of God in heaven. This is also the one and only key that unlocks the pearly gates of the kingdom of heaven. It is said that we have in the Bible a key that unfolds the universe to all mankind, a key that makes known hidden mysteries of the Bible.

Ellen Gould White said "The knowledge of God and Jesus Christ expressed in one's character is an exaltation above everything else that is esteemed on earth or in heaven. It is the very highest education. It is the key that opens the portals of the heavenly city. It is God's purpose that all who put on Christ should posses this knowledge." Yes. The knowledge of God is the foundation of all true education. It is the subject that we will so eagerly seek to learn in heaven throughout eternal ages. To impart the knowledge of God and Christ, to form characters in accordance with this knowledge, should be the purpose of all gospel workers and teachers of religion.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.] (Prov. 9:10). [I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings] (Hosea 6:6). But [My people are foolish, have no understanding] Jer. 4:22 RSV). [There is no knowledge of God in the land] (Hosea 4:1). My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge] (Hosea 4:6). Who do you think He means my people?" He is referring to all the people on the earth, especially those who in search of eternal life, pray in church every morning, every week and worship God in family circles every morning and evening. But what an astonishing sigh we hear - "My people are destroyed!" What is this all about? What knowledge are we so destitute of and will we be destroyed without? I believe that this sigh comes from our lack of knowledge of [the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.]

This is the true knowledge which is our eternal life; therefore, I earnestly hope that you read through this book repeatedly with a prayerful and thirsting spirit, as a thirsty deer longs for a flowing stream, so that you may not belong to those for whom God heaves a sigh, but to those children of eternal life, the sons and daughters of God who run on this heaven-bound road with unspeakable joy and thanksgiving.

2. Signs and Wonders Cannot Give Eternal Life (Matt. 24:24)

[And this is the will of Him (our Father)] (John 6:40) that we should have the practical knowledge of [the true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent] (John 17:3). This is eternal life and also the will and purpose of our Father. Yet there is a large multitude of [foolish men] (James 2:20) in the world who apart from the true, practical knowledge of eternal life revealed in the Bible, seek after signs and wonders with reckless faith. It is commonly seen that such people are absorbed in impractical wonders, neglecting the words of the Bible, the knowledge of it which gives true life everlasting.

Jesus said, [It is the spirit who gives life... the words that I speak to you (the Bible) are spirit and they are life (John6:63). however, neglecting the words of life that proceed from the mouth of God, sad to say, multitudes today are driven here and there, deceived by miracles and wonders, gaining nothing in their hands despite their desperate longing to grab for eternal life. As a weary, exhausted wanderer in the desert who deluded by the mirage, pursues one mirage after another with scarce hope, only to finally collapse and die in a vast, lonely desert; likewise, there are countless numbers of Christians today who end their religious lives with the same miserable and pitiful pursuit. But people (fellow Christians) claim that this brother or sister fell asleep in the Lord with great hopes, making him or her a splendid bier of many flowers and giving a magnificent funeral march. By so doing, they only comfort themselves. Oh, what a deplorable fact it is!

I must say again that our salvation and eternal life is not obtained by wonders and miracles, most of which are wrought by Satan acting under the name of Christ. For there is nothing more effective and powerful in means to deceive and take captive all those are not standing firmly on the Word of God.

Consider the agents of Satan who performed the same miracles as those by Moses, the servant of God, before the Pharaoh of Egypt. Behold the great power of Satan brought terrible disasters to the righteous Job. Therefore, I hope you will not forget that Satan is a dreadful enemy who can skillfully imitate even those true miracles and powers that Jesus performed two thousand years ago. That is why Jesus gave warnings to us living in this last days saying, [For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect](Matt. 24:24). Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world] (1 John 4:1). He repeatedly warns us that men shall not obtain eternal life by wonders or miracles [but by every word (of the Bible) that proceeds from the mouth of God] (Matt. 4:4).

I hope you will remember that true wonders and miracles of God are wrought only in times of pressing needs, merely as an indication of His loving protection and tender care for His children, and that the miracle itself does not bring eternal life. Our only salvation and everlasting life lies the true knowledge of [the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent] (John 17:3), that is to eat and drink "the word" of God in the Bible and to live our lives according to the Bible, in His Word that has been from the beginning and that which contains the Spirit and life of God. Now, let us listen to the voice of our God. [To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn] (Isa. 8:20, N.I.V.) I believe you readers know well that "the light of dawn" mentioned here means the day on which Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness comes with His ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of angels (Matt. 25:31) to take back His people as He promised in John 14: 1-3. In order to see this glorious day, if we have thus far had the blind religion which is based on wonders and miracles rather than living on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, let us shake it off now and turn to a new faith and a new heart. Let us return to the Bible and to the Bible only, which is filled with the treasures of truth, with the grand truth of the universe being, [This is eternal life, that they may know You, the true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent] (John 17:3).

I say again that "eternal life" cannot be obtained by the power to heal diseases or to cast out demons, or by exercising authority as a prophet. It cannot be earned by attaining the position or authority of a pastor or an evangelist, a priest or the Pope. Also, "eternal life" cannot be attained in strife or in envy, nor through the authority of any denomination or power-wielding organization. Eternal life is gained solely through the sacred knowledge of [the true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.] Only this knowledge is eternal life and salvation. In this grand truth lies the way, the life, the resurrection, the kingdom of heaven, and God Himself. Let us return to the grand truth of the Bible with a humble heart.

There are so-called clergymen who are possessed by the power of Satan, and perform false miracles and wonders. We should not only be on our strict guard against them but also have compassion on them, since they are completely deceived into thinking that the miracles wrought through them are brought by the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But soon, the true character of their deception will be made manifest on the day of Jesus' Second Coming. [Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done wonders in You name?] (Matt. 7:22), so "why do you turn Your face from us, and pay no attention to us?" [And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you.'] "The power that flowed out from you so far was not of Me, nor of the Holy Spirit, but of the foul spirit, the evil spirit of Satan," Therefore, [depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!] (Matt. 7:23).

On that day, all the falseness shall be made manifest and they will see that all the miracles performed by them have been the deceptions and schemes of Satan. If you readers have been one of them, I entreat you with tears to make a resolution to shake off the enemy from you, and with courage and determination, come forward [to the only true God,] our mighty Father and to [Jesus Christ,] our tender Brother. Open your heart to Them and talk to Them about your situation. Please do not hesitate to ask Them which path in life you should take to become a true son of God and a true shepherd who can lead the flock of God to the right way of eternal life. Then I hope that when Jesus Christ, the King of kings comes, you will hear the blessed declaration, [Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of you Lord.] And the King will say... Come... inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world'] (Matt.25:23.34).

However, to the unfaithful shepherds it will be spoken, [there you shall die and there your glorious chariots shall be the shame of your master's house. So I will drive you out of your office] (Isa.22:18.19). ['Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth'] (Matt. 22:13). Return, oh return from your ignorance immediately, dear elders! [He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches](Rev. 2: 29).

3. Eternal Life is Gained by True Knowledge 

In China, it is commonly said, "Unless a precious stone is cut with a chisel it cannot be made a vessel of value, and unless a man learns, he cannot attain to righteousness." Chuangtzu, a sage of China also said, "Man who refuses to learn is like someone who attempts to soar up to the sky without proper skills."

To attempt to enter heaven without the knowledge of [the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent] is like attempting to fly through the heavens without any means. There is no difference in the foolishness of trying to do the impossible. So God says, [It is not good to have zeal without knowledge] (Pro. 19:2, NIV). It is indeed not good as well as impossible to have eternal life and come before God without knowledge.

You may ask, "Why by knowledge and not by faith?" And of course you are right to say so. We are saved by faith in Christ, not by knowledge alone. But by looking into the origin of faith, we find that we cannot have faith unless we have knowledge first. [So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God] (Rom. 10:17). Therefore, whether we obtain eternal life or not depends upon whether we have the necessary knowledge or not. That is, our everlasting life depends upon the true knowledge of [the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent] (John 17:3). So, to those children who do not give heed to this knowledge, God says, [I have written for him the great things of My law, but they were considered a strange thing] (Hosea 8:12). Therefore, [Behold, the days are coming ... that I will send a famine on the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord (words of what is true knowledge)] (Amos 8:11). [Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out My hand and no one regarded, because you disdained all my counsel, and would have none of my reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, when your terror comes like a storm, and your destruction comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you. Then they will call (Upon Me), but I will not answer; they will seek (Me) diligently, but they will not find (Me) because they hated knowledge ... and would have none of My counsel, and despised all (My) reproof] (Pro. 1:24-30).

[Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me ... I also will forget your children] (Hosea 4:6). Therefore, without a doubt, it is of immediate necessity that all religious workers and witnesses for God spread the knowledge of [the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent] (John 17:3), which is everlasting life to all. So, in order to impart this knowledge to all people, we ourselves must first know God as our patriarchs did.

God is calling today for those who will go into the perishing world with the true knowledge of eternal life. [Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?'] (Isa. 6:8). [My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge] (Hosea 4:6). [For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings] (Hosea 6:6).

4. The Precious Gift of Eternal Life That God Gives Solely to His Friends.

Jesus said that to [know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You (God) have sent] is eternal life, and I think that a deeper meaning is implied in the words "to know." It is more than to merely know each other's face and name. For example, a man working in a large company caused a big fire by a momentary mistake. Many workers were killed and he was sentenced to death. This news reached his close and intimate friend who came to him immediately, comforting and encouraging him, saying, "Do not be worried. Because I know President - of our country very well, if I only go and tell him about you, he will grant a general amnesty to you, and you will be released right away. Meanwhile, you can just wait with peace of mind." A few days later, he was released on a general amnesty as his friend had said. In this example, when the friend said, "I know President - ," he did not mean that he knew the President as the people generally know the president, but that he knew the President closely and personally. Likewise, to know God as the Creator and the King of the universe and Jesus as the Son of God, the Savior who came to save the world, is not enough. It means to know Them just as the friend of the man under the death sentence knew the President as a close friend. It is to know God as Enoch knew Him, who had walked with Him for three hundred years as a personal friend before he was taken up to heaven forever.

If God were to give eternal life to all who knew Him superficially as the Creator, and Jesus as God's Son and the Savior, there would be few deprived of eternal life. James said, [You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe - and tremble!] (James 2:19). Yes, even Satan and his angels, and all the wicked people of the world know and believe that God is the Creator, the One who gives life and blessings to man. Even the idolaters and those possessed with demons acknowledge, believe and cry out to God. Then, shall God make this sinful world into an eternally dreadful and terrible one by giving such evil people eternal life? No, this can never be. Our heavenly Father will not, by giving them eternal life, make His universe more horrible. In the Bible, He has plainly declared that He would restore this universe to its original state, sinless and holy, by removing such people forever [in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone] (Rev. 21:8).

Therefore, eternal life is a precious gift of God that He gives only to those who obey the instructions and words of the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. It is a gift only to those who have become intimate friends with Them, walking hand in hand with Them as Enoch did in the past. And these are the children He will invite to His everlasting kingdom as He did Enoch.

In the Bible we read, [Now Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died when he was one hundred and ten years old ... (and) another generation arose who did not know the Lord] (Judges 2:8, 10). [Now the sons of Eli were corrupt; they did not know the Lord] (1 Sam 2:12). Do you think that the descendants of Joshua, the prominent leaders of Israel, did not know that the Lord is the Creator of heaven and earth, and that He had divided the Red Sea for their fathers, and in the wilderness fed them with manna for forty years, and gave them water from a rock? Also, because the sons of Eli, the priest, did not know the Lord, is it written that they knew not God as the Creator? No. They did know the God of Israel. They knew Him well. But they turned away from Him who only found pleasure in giving them life and blessings, and refused to be friends with Him as Enoch was, betraying Him to live an impure and unruly life. Finally, they ended up perishing in their sins. I hope that my brothers and sisters who read this book learn from them, and become close friends with God and Jesus as Enoch was, because They will give you all the rich treasures of the universe unsparingly, one of them being the immortal life of God, the eternal life that we have been studying thus far.

Eternal life is a gift of God which is filled with His love and heart, which He gives only to His friends one by one, ever discreetly. I pray that those who read this book with eager interest will also receive this precious gift and enjoy the everlasting happiness of eternal life.

The Importance of the Knowledge of the Only True God and Jesus Christ. 

(1) The Knowledge of the True God 

[There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land] (Hosea 4:1).
[My people are foolish, they have not known Me. They are silly children, and they have no understanding] (Jer. 4:22). [My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ] (Hosea 4:6). [For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings] (Hosea 6:6).

It is the darkness of the misapprehension of God that is enshrouding the world. Men are losing their knowledge of His character. It has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. At this time a message from God is to be proclaimed, a message illuminating in its influence and saving in its power. His character is to be made known. Into the darkness of the world is to be shed the light of His glory, the light of His goodness, mercy, and truth. This is the work outlined by the prophet Isaiah in the words, [O Zion, you who bring good tidings, get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem you who bring good tidings, lift up your voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say to the cities of Judah "Behold your God!"] (Isa. 40:9). The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of God's character of love and it is the children of God who are to manifest His glory. Through their lives and character, they are to manifest the grace of God which has been poured on them.

Our knowledge of God today is partial and imperfect. [But when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away] (1 Cor. 13:9, 10, RSV). [Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord] (Hosea 6:3).
[If you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God] (Pro. 2:3-5). This knowledge is gained by meditating upon the word of God, And this treasure may be earned by all those who would give everything they have for it.

In order to be representatives of God we must know Him first.

Moses knew God, personally. Through his close relationship with God, he was able to hear the call from heaven, to exchange his shepherd’s crook for the rod of authority, to leave his flock of sheep and take on the leadership of Israel.

In order to be coworkers with God, in order to become like Him and to reveal His character, we must know Him aright. We must know Him as He reveals Himself. A knowledge of God is the foundation of all true education and of all true service. If is the only safeguard against temptation. It is this alone that can make us like God in character. This is the knowledge needed by all who are working for the uplifting of standards in mankind. Transformation of character, purity of life, efficiency in service, adherence to correct principles, all depend upon a proper knowledge of God. This knowledge is the essential preparation both for this life and for the life to come. [And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding] (Pro. 9:10). Through knowledge of Him we are given [all things that pertain to life and godliness] (2 Peter 1:3). [This is eternal life, that they might know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent] (John 17:3). When we know God as it is our privilege to know Him, our life will be one of continual obedience. Eventually, through His children, the final and full display of the love of God to the world will be clearly revealed, and the world will be lightened with its glory.

(2) The Importance of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

The world doesn't need so much of anything else as it does and expression of the love of Christ through men. All heaven is waiting for channels through which God can communicate the holy oil to men, which when received, is a joy and blessing to their hearts. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the disciples were so filled with love for Jesus and for those for whom He died, that many people's hearts were melted by the words they spoke and the earnest prayers they offered. There is nothing that Christ desires so much as He does agents who will represent to the world His Spirit and character.

When Lifeless doctrines accomplish nothing, the love of Jesus will melt and attract the hearts of men. His ever-abiding love, His holiness, meekness, mercy and truth are to be revealed to the world through His disciples. Our love for Christ and for our fellow brethren will testify to the world that we live and learn from Him daily. And eventually, the whole world will be lightened by His glory.

(3) The Importance of the Knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. 

In His prayer to the Father, Christ said, [This is eternal life, that they might know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent] (John 17:3). This is the true education. It imparts power. The experimental knowledge of God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, transforms man into the image of God. It gives to man the mastery of self, bringing every impulse and passion of the lower nature under the control of the higher powers of the mind. It makes its possessor a son of God, and an heir of heaven. It brings him into communion with the mind of the Infinite, and opens to him the rich treasures of the universe. The knowledge of God and Jesus Christ expressed in character is an exaltation above everything else that is esteemed on earth or in heaven. It is the very highest education. It is God's purpose that all who believe in Christ should possess this. The knowledge of God and Jesus Christ revealed in the character of man is highly esteemed as having the greatest value both in heaven and on earth. It is the very highest education. This is the key that opens the portals of the heavenly city.

Eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. But Satan, the enemy of mankind, with his angels, are determined that men should not have this perfect knowledge of the love of God. So all of heaven is anxious to see holy agents who will go to the world with the message of life today. [Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying: `Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?'] [My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge] (Isa. 6:8, Hosea 4:6).

Where are the sons and daughters of God who will answer to the voice of the Lord, today?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


[And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God] (John 17:3).
We have already learned the two ways and methods for obtaining eternal life, first of which is to know the only true God (John 17:3). In this chapter, we will learn of the only true God in de tail concerning what He is like, what relationship He bears to us, and what He does for us.

1. The Outward Appearance and Inward Heart of the True God

Philip said to Jesus [Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us] (John 14:8). This is a common question that has been raised by God's children who have not seen Him down through the ages since the days of Adam. So it was reasonable for Philip to make this request which also represents our common desire. There probably isn't one person who does not desire to see the heavenly Father who loved them "so much that He gave His only begotten Son." If there are any, they must be abnormal.

We already learned that we should know God as He reveals Himself in the Word. Now we will have time to take a look at His face and appearance as He reveals Himself in the Bible. Unless we first know His face and appearance well, how can we love Him or make friends with Him?

In this world also, when one tries to make friends or choose a spouse, one first looks at the outward features of the person to see whether he or she is handsome or pretty, whether comely or ugly, and then have a chance to confirm his (her) inward heart. Likewise, in this chapter we will have the opportunity to meet with the only true God and communicate with Him who is our Friend and our Love.

(1) The Outward Appearance of Our Heavenly Father

* Our Father has His head and hair

[I watched... and the hair of His head was like pure wool] (Dan. 7:9).

* He has a face
[His servants shall serve Him] and [They shall see His face] (Rev. 22: 3,4).
[Now we see ... dimly, but then face to face] (1 Cor. 13:12).

* He has a back
[You shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen] (Exodus 33:23).
[He who has seen Me has seen the Father] (John 14:9).
[I and my Father are one] (John 10:30).

* He has vocal cords and speaks
[the voice of the Lord] (1 Sam. 15:22)

* He has eyes and pupils
[the eyes of the Lord] (Pro. 15:3).
[as the apple of His eye] (Deut. 32:10)

* He has a nose
[There are a smoke in My nostrils] (Isa. 65:5).

* He has a mouth and lips and speaks with them
[the mouth of God] (Matt. 4:4).
[My lips] (Ps. 89:34).
[Every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord]
(Deut. 8:3).

* He has ears
[His ear] (Isa. 59:1)
[You will cause Your ear to hear] (Ps. 10:17).

* He has arms
[My arm] (Ps. 89:21).
[Your outstretched arm] (1 Kings 8:42).
[The Lord's arm] (Num. 11:23).

* He has hands and fingers
[Your fingers] ( Ps. 8:3).
[Has My hand not made all these things?] (Acts 7:50).

* He has legs
[Almighty God ... His thigh] (Rev. 19:15, 16).

* He has feet
[earth is My footstool] (Acts 7:49).
[Your feet] (Ps. 74:3).

* He is clothed in garment
[His garment was white as snow] (Dan. 7:9).
[He ... was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance] (Rev. 4:3).
[dwelling in unapproachable light (garment)] (1 Tim.6:16).

As mentioned above, we can be assured that our heavenly Father, the only true God, also has a head and hair, face and neck, and on His face eyes, nose, ears, mouth and lips to speak with, and on His body front and back, arms and legs, and hands and feet as it is written, [Then God said, `Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness'] (Gen. 1:26). This verse tells us that we were made in perfect accordance with His form and image. Jesus said, [Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, `Show us the Father?'] (John 14:9). [I and My Father are one] (John 10:30). In other words, the heavenly Father has the same image as us.

If there is any difference, it is that while we have imperfect, corruptible and mortal bodies due to our transgression, He is perfect, [the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity] (Isa. 57:15), in whom is neither beginning nor end, who exists from everlasting, who is the [only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man ( guilty) has seen or can see] (1 Tim. 6:15, 16). Because He dwells in unapproachable light, no sinner who sees Him can survive. Therefore, it is His great mercy and love for us not to reveal His face to us. But how grateful and joyful we should be that it is not His will to leave His children alone in this sinful world who live [apart from sin] (Heb. 9:28). Our Father will again, for His obedient children send His Son to this earth a second time to bring back to His side those children who are living sinlessly, whom He knows personally. They shall all be [changed in a moment] (1 Cor. 15:51, 52) and go to the Father with Jesus, to see Him [face to face] (1 Cor. 13:12).
What an inexpressible joy it will be the moment we see our Father's face after thousands of years in waiting. My Brothers and sisters who read this book, [May your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ] by living apart from sin while on this earth (1 Theses. 5:23).

(2) The Inward Heart (Character) of Our Heavenly Father

We have thus far learned that our Father is as good-looking and perfect in all respects as He reveals Himself in the Bible. Because He is so flawless in appearance, we can be proud of Him as our Friend wherever we go, and as One whom we can love and worship.

We will now learn of our Father's heart, whether He is truly good and holy in character as His outward appearance is or whether on the contrary, He is violent and fearful. If He is the latter, then it is much safer and wiser for us to give up making friends with Him beforehand. Anyhow, a decision can be made after we study His character in detail.

* Heart of Love
[God is love] (1 John 4:16).
[He will quiet you in His love] (Zeph. 3:17).
[God so loved the world] (John 3:16).

* Heart of jealousy
[I the Lord your God, am a jealous God] (Ex. 20:5).
[He is a jealous God] (Joshua 24:19).

* Heart of fondness
[The Lord has great delight] (1 Sam. 15:22).
[He loves righteousness] (Ps. 11:7).

* Heart of hatred
[the Lord hates] (Pro. 6:16).
[I hate the double-minded] (Ps. 119:113).

* Heart of Joy
[Complete my joy] (Phi. 2:4, KJV.).
[in whom I am well pleased] (Matt. 3:17).

* Heart of dislike
[lest My soul depart from you] (Jer. 6:8).
[I am weary of relenting] (Jer. 15:6).

* Heart of laughter
[He who sits in the heavens laughs] (Ps. 2:4).
[I also will laugh] (Pro. 1:26).

* Heart of singing in joy
[And Heaven and earth shall unite in the Father's song of rejoicing: `for this My son was dead, and is alive again he was lost, and is found'] (Luke 15:24, C.O.L. p.206).

* Heart of crying, sighing and weeping
[If you will not hear it, My soul will weep in secret ... My eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears] (Jer. 13: 17).
[The Lord was sorry ... and was grieved in His heart] (Gen. 6:6).
[For the hurt ... of My people I am hurt, I mourn] (Jer. 8:21).

* Heart of wrath
[the day of the Lord's wrath] (Zeph. 1:18).
[the day of the Lord comes, cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger] (Isa. 13:9).

* Heart of pity (mercy)
[the Lord pities those who fear Him] (Ps. 103: 13).
[as I had pity on you] (Mat. 18:33).

* Heart of vengeance
[by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity] (Ex. 34:7).
[The Lord is avenging] (Nahum 1:2).

* Heart of forgiveness
[Let the wicked ... return to the Lord, for He will abundantly pardon] (Isa. 55:7).
[I will not remember your sins] (Isa. 43:25).

* Heart of graciousness (mercifulness)
[merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth] (Ex. 34:6).
[He is kind to the unthankful and evil] (Luke 6:35).

* Heart of goodness
[Good and upright is the Lord] (Ps. 25:8).
[Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!] (Ps. 34:8)

* Heart of peace
[For God is peace] (1 Cor. 14:33).
[peacemakers ... shall be called sons of God] (Matt. 5:9).

* Heart of honesty
[Upright is the Lord] (Ps. 25:8).
[A God of faithfulness ... just and right is He] (Deut. 32:4).

* Heart of unchangeableness
[with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change] (James 1:17).
[For I the Lord do not change] ( Mal. 3:6).

* Heart of faithfulness
[know therefore that the Lord your God is the ... faithful God] (Deut. 7:9).
[Who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you] (Isa. 49:7).

* Heart of omniscience
[Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?] [Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You. But the night shines as the day] (Ps. 139: 7, 12).
[for You, You only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men] ( 1 Kings 8:39).

* Heart of justice
[for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, or partiality, or taking of bribes] (2 Chro. 19:7).
[judge the world in righteousness] (Acts 17:31).

* Heart of thoroughness in keeping His promises
[God is not man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? ] (Num. 23:19).
[God desired to show ... to the heirs of His promise the unchangeable character of His purpose ... that ... we might have strong encouragement] (Heb. 6:17, 18).
[Know therefore that the Lord your God is ... the faithful God who keeps covenant ... with those who love Him and Keep his covenant] (Deut. 7:9,10).

* Heart of thoroughness in the repayment of reward and punishment
[I am ... bringing My recompense, to repay every one for what he has done] (Rev. 22:12).
[And these (the wicked) will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life] (Matt. 25:46).

* Heart of diligence
[My Father is working still, and I am working] (John 5:17).
[Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of His own accord, but only what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son does likewise] (John 5: 19).

As we have now studied the general features of our heavenly Father, we can be assured that His heart and character is almost the same as ours. He possesses affection just as we do, He loves one whom He loves, and hates one whom He hates. When His love is rejected by His earthly children whom He has pursued with such unrequited love, He becomes disappointed and jealous. This is because He loves them too much. If He did not love them, He would not become jealous; therefore, His jealousy becomes just another expression of His ardent love for His children. And He feels happy at the sight of their happiness, and laughs at the sight of their pleasure. He becomes sad at the sight of sorrow, sheds tears at the sight of greater sorrow, and wails when He sees some thing even more woeful. He is so compassionate and loving that when He sees pitiful men, He is touched with pity and longs to give away everything He can in order to comfort them.
However, He hates and is displeased with those who keep doing loathsome things.

When we do something bad, He gets angry with us, and as we do worse deeds, He becomes indignant. As we do unbearable, unpardonable things, He rises up to give severe punishment and reprimands us. But if we go to Him and ask for pardon, even though we are so sinful, He changes His mind and forgives us completely, never remembering our past wrongs. And He restores His peace of mind right away. He is so honest that as much as He loathes dishonesty, He is faithful and truthful to His Word. Therefore, even at the risk of dishonoring His throne and His name, He never changes His promise but always fulfills it. He repays the good and the wicked according to what they have done even more perfectly and accurately than any computer or calculator, without the slightest miscalculation or partiality. He is the most truthful Homehead of our universal family, who works unceasingly for all of His creations, especially His loving children. His efforts are incomparable to the sacrifices and services of the best earthly parents for their children. Should we not always remember this fact and be ever thankful for the amazing grace of our Father?

Just as we are emotional people, so is our Father emotional and He speaks to us as follows, [I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently will find Me] (Pro. 8:17). [Those who honour Me I will honour, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed] (1 Sam. 2:30). [By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; and before all the people I must be glorified] (Lev. 10:3). Therefore, [My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with Me; he who walks in a perfect way, he shall serve Me] (Ps. 101:6). Azariah also exclaims, [Hear me... the Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will for sake you] (2 Chron. 15:2). Elder James also says, [Draw near to God and He will draw near to you] (James 4:8). Solomon says that if we exalt Him, He will exalt us.

Jesus who was best acquainted with the character of the heavenly Father, once said, [If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately] (John 13:32). Jesus taught us that our heavenly Father rewards everyone unsparingly by all means available without the slightest reserve, even if He is glorified by one of the least of His children, no matter how lowly or weak he maybe.

Therefore, I hope that all members of the universal family will share a kind of love and friendship with our heavenly Father that the world has never seen or heard of before, not forgetting to glorify one another in the Lord.

Now we can see that His heart and character are not different from ours, and that He made us in perfect accordance with Him, not only in His image but also in His character, as He said, [Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness] (Gen. 1:26). If there is any difference, it is that in His heart there is no sin, no evil, and no untruthfulness. From deep within His heart springs forth the fountain of love that sinners cannot possess or compare with. This love is His life and light. If He could be robbed of that love which is His life and light, He would be reduced to nothingness and His life would disappear. His whole self is love (refer to 1 John 4:16). He is the source of all the love in the universe. He is just a great bundle of love! To rob Him of His love would be like removing intensely burning light and heat from the rays of the sun in midsummer. If this could be done, not only He Himself but the whole universe would become pitch dark and cold, and all things would fall to pieces in desolation. If not for the burning rays of love extending out unceasingly from Him, the universe could not exist. It would be easier and more reasonable for fish to survive out of water than for the children of men to love without the sun-rays of God's love, or for any other worlds in the universe to live without the sun of His love which springs forth from Him unceasingly.

Another difference is that God the Father has a heart of omniscience. As nothing is hidden between heaven and earth under the bright sun, so in the same way, no one and nothing in the universe is left unnoticed in the sight of God, to say nothing of the shallow, narrow hearts of men!

Now, since you readers have thoroughly learned of God's heart and character, I sincerely hope that you become His loving sons and daughters rendering obedience to Him who is the epitome of love from now on. I should hope that you submit to Him, not for fear of judgment or punishment, but for fear of making Him sad, sigh, cry and wail for you, whose life is love and whose entirety is love. Then, as He desires, promises, and plans, He will send back His Son when it is exactly His preplanned time and date, in order to take us back to His everlasting holy city, to live with Him forever as Enoch, our elder brother does, and we shall [possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever] (Dan. 7:18).

Amen. Praise the Lord!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

2. The Love of the Father Thicker Than Bloodof the Cross and Stronger Than Death of the Cross

[Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God] (1 John 3:1).

[In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him] (1 John 4:9).

From my favorite book, [Early Writings] on page 151, I once read, "Think ye that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle? No, no. It was even a struggle with the God of heaven (our Father) whether to let guilty man perish, or to give His beloved Son 'who knew no sin' (2 Cor. 5:21) to die for them." Yes. It was an unbearable, agonizing, and sorrowful situation to the Father of infinite mercy and love, whether to give His innocent Son to the world of darkness abounding with evil spirits (Satan), to be torn by wicked hands and slain mercilessly by them or not. On page 126 it is written, "I then saw the lovely Jesus ... approach the exceeding bright light which enshrouded the Father ... The anxiety of the angels seemed to be intense while Jesus was communing with His Father. Three times He was shut in by the glorious light about the Father, and the third time He came from the Father, we could see His Person ... He then made known to the angelic choir that a way of escape had been made for lost man."

After having read this book, I was often moved by the thought of what a great pain and sacrifice our Father paid in sending His Son to save us! The news that earthly children had fallen by transgression filled all heaven with sorrow and astonishment, and in the heavenly courts, there was mourning and woeful silence. The sorrow and perplexity of our heavenly Father was too great to be described in words: whether to let man perish in their sins or to give His beloved Son who knew no sin to die for them. These were sorrowful and tormenting hours of agony. Jesus who had been waiting outside the sanctuary with the angels in deep sympathy with the Father, could wait no longer and went to the Father in the sanctuary, entreating Him earnestly for permission to give His life as a ransom for the children of earth. Now imagine the countenance of the Father beholding His Son, beholding His Son entreating so earnestly. How can He lose His Son so lovely? The Father asks to be left alone for more time to think. And more hours of agony and struggle pass on. But the Son aching at the sight of the Father's great pain, can wait no longer and goes to Him, to entreat once more. The Father who beholds the face of His Son standing before Him can never, never give up His Son who is innocent of sin; He once again asks His Son to leave Him alone for more time to think of a solution. And the terrible hours of agony and struggle begin. But Jesus waiting outside the sanctuary for the Father's decision, with the angels equally absorbed in the same sorrow, can no longer merely watch the ever deepening agony and unceasing struggle, so with a firm resolution, He goes in to see the Father for the third time, and pleads all the more earnestly. Beholding His countenance and listening to the pleading of His Son, God finally yields. God was to give His only Son, [that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life] (John 3:16). What a tremendous sacrifice and agony for the Father it was! There are many who speak about the agony of Jesus on Mount Gethsemane, but few speak about the agony of the Father which had taken place in heaven beforehand. The agony of Jesus on Mt. Gethsemane was only for the sinful children on earth, but the Father was moaning in agony pressed down by double burdens. He was under a tremendous agony for Jesus His only Son "who knew no sin," on top of His enormous anxiety for the fallen race. Oh what a grievous agony for the Father it was! As Jesus the Son of God fell prostrate in agony, He at least had the presence of the Father by His side to reply to His prayer and the attendance of angels to give Him strength and encouragement, but the Father who had been agonizing over this tremendous double burden had no such help. How many are there who give sincere thanks to the Father for His tremendous sacrifice? So immeasurable is the love of the Father for sinners, and so great is the suffering in sacrificing His dear Son. God's boundless love is a mystery hidden from the sinners of earth and from the angels of heaven - a love that neither earth nor heaven can comprehend. Let us at this moment bow down and give thanks to the heavenly Father. His love is [higher than the heavens - what can you do? ... deeper than the depths of the grave - what can you know?] (Job 11:8, NIV).

[He is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish,] [as the heavens are higher than the earth] (Luke 6:35, Isa. 55:9).
I would like to introduce a passage from another favorite book titled, [The Desire of Ages] which particularly illustrates the life of Jesus. It is written on page 478, "In all ages, philosophers and teachers have been presenting to the world theories by which to satisfy the soul's need. Every heathen nation has had its great teachers and religious systems offering some other means of redemption than Christ, turning the eyes of men away from the Father's face, and filling their hearts with fear of Him who has given them only blessing. The trend of their work is to rob God of that which is His own, both by creation and by redemption. And these false teachers rob man (soul) as well. Millions of human beings are bound down under false religions, in the bondage of slavish fear, of stolid indifference, toiling like beasts of burden, bereft of hope of joy or aspiration here, and with only a dull fear of the hereafter."

What a terrible and miserable religion it is! What a great disappointment and distress it must be to our Father and Jesus! Therefore, it was to remove this absurd fallacy, to reveal to the world the infinite love of God, that Jesus came to live among men. It was to make manifest the Father that the Son of God came from heaven. [No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him] (John 1:18). [No one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and he to whom the Son wills to reveal Him] (Matt. 11:27).

Jesus wanted the children of earth to know how much God loved and cared for them. He taught them that God is in search of every lost child, [As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him] (Ps. 103:13). Though this kind of God had never been introduced to the world by any other religion, it has always been ready to be revealed in the Bible. But churches falsely represented God, not as the God of love, but as an evil God who is pleased with sacrifices. Even the Israelites were ignorant to the extent of God's love taught by His prophets. This revelation of the parental love of God is a new, precious gift to the world.
Just before His crucifixion, Jesus said to His disciples who, though boasting of their loyalty to their Teacher, would flee away for their lives, leaving Him alone, [Indeed the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, every man to his home, and will leave Me alone; yet I am not alone, for the Father is with Me] (John 16:32, RSV). Yes. When the God of mercy and love sent His Son to save sinners, He did not send Him alone to this world of darkness full of evil spirits (Satan), but He came together with His Son and was at His side from the manger in Bethlehem to the cross of Calvary. Even the evil, corrupt parents of earth do not allow their own children to go through rough paths and dangerous places alone. They rather carry them on their backs, hold them in their bosom, or grasp their hand. Then how much more would the loving, merciful God let His Son, who is as innocent as a lamb, to enter this cold world alone. Jesus said, [He who sent Me is with Me: The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to Him] (John 8:29). He again said, [I am not alone but I am with the Father who sent Me] (John 8:16).

Perhaps you remember Matthew 27:35, [They crucified Him.] This verse fills me with aching sorrow and makes me drop my head. The thought of the ungrateful, outrageous mob jumping at Jesus like [brute dogs] (Ps. 22:16), nailing the tender hands of the Son of God to the cross so mercilessly who had given up His position as a heavenly Prince to come down and save them. Now behold the Father standing beside His Son, never having left Him alone, not once. He who had always been with Him was now watching His Son's last hour, watching with pain how His Son was being treated. As I imagine the Father's countenance, I cannot help but drop my head. The outrageous mob cruelly nailing the hands and feet of the Son of God ... the sharp pounding heard echoing amidst their laughter - who are completely ignorant to who He is, not knowing that they are also nailing down and piercing the heart of God as well. The Father who is grasping His Son ever tighter with heart-wrenching agony... As I imagine the scene, I am unable to lift my head, too overcome with sorrow. How can mere words express the torment?

And there is a verse that makes me weep with tears, Matthew 27:46, [My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?]

Here Jesus the Son of God, after this final cry of agony, dropped His head and breathed His last. As I behold the Father holding His Son [who knew no sin] (2 Cor. 5:21), my heart feels as though it will burst with grief. For Jesus the Son of God, everything ceased with His innocent death, but now behold the wailing Father hugging the dead body of His beloved Son who was slain unjustly without sin.

On how He loved the world so much! [Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him] (1 John 3:1). [In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him] (1 John 4:9). [In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins] (1 John 4:10), [For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him] (2 Cor. 5:21). [For surely it is not with angels] of heaven [that He is concerned but with the descendants of Abraham (sinners)] (Heb. 2:16, RSV), to [deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage] (Heb. 2:15, RSV). [For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son...not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him] (John 3:16, 17).

But it is the darkness of the misapprehension of God that is enshrouding the world. Men are losing the knowledge of His character. It has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. At this time a message from God is to be proclaimed, a message illuminating in its influence and saving in its power. His character is to be made known. Into the darkness of the world is to be shed the light of His glory, the light of His goodness, mercy and truth.

This is the work outlined by the prophet Isaiah in the words, [Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good tidings; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good tidings, lift it up, fear not; say to the cities of Judah, 'Behold your God!'] (Isa. 40:9, RSV).

All heaven is waiting for the sons and daughters of God who will go forth into the world with the love of the Father and proclaim it. This is the final, glorious work to occur at the end of earth's history prophesied by the prophet Malachi, [Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse] (Mal. 4:5, 6).

May the Elijahs of today raise up their hands and answer to the voice of the Lord. [And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, `Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?'] (Isa. 6:8) .

Oh, the agony of the Father greater than that of the Son! The struggle of the Father more intense than that of the Son! The love of the Father thicker than the blood of the cross! The love of the Father stronger than the death of the cross! The love of the Father broader and wider than the whole universe! The love of the Father that neither, the world nor sinners can ever fully comprehend! The love of the Father that neither righteous people nor angels can ever know! The love of the Father that is unknown to both heaven and earth! The love that [no one knows except the Father] (Matt. 11:27). Where are the Elijahs today who will go forth with this love? [And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, `Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?'] (Isa. 6:8).

Saturday, April 11, 2009

3. Our Real Father Who Has Truly Begotten Us

[Jesus, When He began His ministry, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Heli, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi... the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan, the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God] (Luke 3:23-38, RSV).

To rephrase this, "Jesus’ father is Joseph, whose father is Heli, whose father is Matthat, whose father is Levi... whose father is Noah, whose father is Lamech, whose father is Methuselah, whose father is Jared, whose father is Mahalaleel, whose father is Cainan, whose father is Enos, whose father is Seth, whose father is Adam, whose father is God."

To put it still another way, it means that "Jesus was born of Joseph (Mary), born of Heli, born of Matthat, born of Levi... born of Noah, born of Lamech, born of Methuselah, born of Enoch, born of Jared, born of Mahalaleel, born of Cainan, born of Enos, born of Seth, born of Adam, born of God." Therefore, our Father in heaven is our real Father who has personally given birth to us.

You may ask, "In Genesis 1:26 God said, `Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.' He never said He would give birth to us, so why do you insist that God has borne us personally from His body (womb)?" This is natural question. But I must still give the same answer; for the heavenly God is truly our real Father who personally gave birth to us.

Please allow me to clarify this fact.

Animals such as the cow or the deer bring forth their young that look just like themselves. In the same way, flying birds such as sparrows or pigeons also bring forth their young bearing resemblance to themselves. With humans also, they give birth to young (children) who perfectly resemble themselves. In all these examples, the young bear a close resemblance, if not identical to their parents. However, the process by which the young are brought forth among all the various species of God's creations are all considerably different. Animals such as the cow or the deer bear their young through their womb and nurture them through milk sac in their belly. But birds like sparrows, pigeons or chickens are different. As we know well, they bring forth their young from their bodies, not by means of the womb, but through an egg-sac, and not through the genital organs but through the anus. Their young are at first like a round stone with no eyes, nose, or mouth. Then they spend a period of time in the bosom of the brooding mother during which blood vessels, bones, eyes, nose, and feathers are formed; after which they hatch in considerable resemblance to their mother. Once out in the world, the are not fed on milk but manage to grow by pecking on worms and grain. Now, we can see that there are great incomprehensible differences between four-footed animals and birds with feathers in respect to their various methods of reproducing and breeding their young. And yet, the results are the same. They all end up having lovely offspring resembling themselves almost perfectly in character, shape, face and body. Only the way they bring forth and breed their offspring is entirely different.

Likewise, there is a complete difference in respect to producing lives between us bodily creatures and our heavenly Father, who is the bodiless Creator - [a Spirit] (John 4:24). While humans as bodily creatures like animals, give birth to babies by means of the womb in their bodies, God the Creator, because He is a bodiless Spirit, produces lives by means of His Creator's womb and raises them in His own unique way. It is through this Creator's womb that He produces and brings up His children. Understanding one another's methods of producing and breeding their young may be rather difficult as it is quite mysterious and strange. It is difficult for us bodily creatures to understand the way the Creator God, the bodiless Spirit, produces lives. But if we ponder upon it deeply, it is not that impossible to understand. For us, when a baby is born after a period of nine months in the womb of the mother, the baby is first fed on the liquid from the milk sac of her breast just like the four-footed animals. On the other hand, in the beginning, our heavenly Father gave birth to Adam and Eve by means of His spiritual Creator's womb, and fed them with coarse foods such as herbs yielding seeds, all fruits of the garden, and Fruit of the Tree of Life rather than milk, since He is a spiritual Father. Just as the flying birds have no breast and feed their young on coarse foods instead of milk, so our Father does it also. Flying birds and crawling animals are entirely different in their methods of giving birth to their young, but consequently, they all end up having young that resemble themselves perfectly. Likewise, the way we bodily men have our children is entirely different from the way God the Spirit, as the Creator has His children. But in the end, we both have children who perfectly resemble us.

He said, [You thought that I was one like yourself] (Ps. 50:21 RSV). But people have such limited and narrow minds that they are not willing to acknowledge or understand matters concerning God the Creator, who is a bodiless Spirit. Some even ridicule Him, as the flying birds laugh at the way four-footed animals produce their young, and the four-footed animals mock the flying birds with their stone-like eggs void of eyes, nose, or mouth, that will eventually be their young. But Jesus assures us, [Do not call anyone on earth your father, for one is your Father,] who has begotten you personally, [who is in heaven] (Matt. 23:9). And Malachi, who knew this fact, said,[Have we not all one Father?] (Mal. 2:10). That is why Jesus said, [Pray then like this: Our Father which art in heaven] (Matt. 6:9, RSV), and from now on call Him your [own (real) Father](John 5:18). While Jesus was on earth, He [called God His own (real) Father] (John 5:18). [Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him] (John 5:18), and eventually they did kill Jesus, the real Son of God.

Likewise, who can guarantee that in the last days also, those who have not accepted God as their real Father will not, out of jealousy and hate, persecute those who have accepted Him as their real Father? [But when the vinedressers saw the son, they said among themselves, "This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance'] (Matt. 21:38). Jesus, the real Son of God, assures us again today that we are God's real sons and daughters as He is and says, [Go to My brethren and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God](John 20:17).

But even regardless of all this, we have an inseparable blood relationship with God. We are His offspring and He is our real Father, because God gave birth to man (Adam), and man (Mary) gave birth to God (Jesus). Therefore, based on the Biblical genealogy as well as by blood ties, it is an undeniable truth that the only true God in heaven is our real Father. It would have been much better if the writer of the Bible had written Genesis 1:26 as [Let us give birth to man in Our image] rather than, [Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.] [The Lord (our heavenly Father) ... said to me, 'You are My son, today I have begotten you'] (Ps. 2:7).

Dear brothers and sisters of the world! Let us not pray spiritlessly as we used to while we did not know our real Father, but from now on let us offer powerful prayers which is our deserved right as His real sons, prayers that will touch the deep heart of our Father, by saying, [Our Father in heaven!] (John 5:18). [My Father in heaven!] (Matt. 26:39). [My real Father in heaven!] (John 5:18.) [My Daddy in heaven!] [My real Daddy in heaven!] (John 5:18, Gal. 4:6 in the Common Translation of the Korean Bible Society).
So let us not behave awkwardly as we kneel in prayer, as if we were foster sons and daughters, but act boldly with great dignity as real sons. If even the sons and daughter of the kings and presidents of this world behave themselves with such dignity and enjoy great privileges, how much more do we not deserve to be proud as princes and princesses of the King of heaven, the King of the universe, the King of kings and Lord of lords! But in spite of this incredible truth, if you my brethren are ashamed to testify to the world that the only true God in heaven is your real Father who has given birth to you, and has raised you, listen then to the word of God, [I tell you, everyone who acknowledges Me before men, (I) also will acknowledge before the angels of God; but he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God] (Luke 12:8, 9). I hope you will keep in mind that eternal life is given by the only true God to those who acknowledge and serve Him as their real Father.

In this world, there are many adopted sons and daughters, stepsons and stepdaughters under one father, and in orphanages, there are hundreds of sons and daughters under one president whom they all call their father. But there are only a few who can inherit the father's estate, his birthright, and succeed his line age - his real sons and daughters only. We all know this well so [what does the Scripture say? 'Cast out the bondwoman and her son; for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the (real) son of the freewoman.' So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free] (Gal. 4:30, 31). [Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has a great reward,] [for yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry] (Heb. 10:35, 37). then Jesus will exclaim, [Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world] (Matt. 25:34). This joyful call will be heard only by God's real children. May we all meet together with Jesus then!
Praise the Lord! Glory to our real Father!

Our Prayer

"My real Father in heaven!

I am very thankful to You for showing me so plainly that the holy God in heaven is my real Father. Now all of heaven and earth, and everything in the universe has become new and is mine because the whole universe is Yours, my Father.

But Father, my real Daddy! Please send Jesus Christ, my eldest Brother quickly so that He can take my brethren and I back to our heavenly home, to be by Your side. I do not want to stay in this world any longer where abound innumerable evil spirits of Satan, for only in heaven are found everlasting joy, peace, and happiness. To my Father who has borne and brought me up, in the name of Jesus Christ, my Eldest Brother, I pray."

Friday, March 13, 2009

4. Our Real Father Who Made A Sweet Home F or Us as a Branch Family of Heaven

[Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things] (Isa. 40:26).
[For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God] (Heb. 3:4).
[God who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth...] (Acts 17:24).
[The earth is the Lord's and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell there in] (Ps. 24:1).
[The heaven, even the heavens are the Lord's but the earth He has given to the children of men] (Ps. 115:16).

Our Father who has begotten us is the most skillful carpenter in the universe. Peerless in His superb skill, this is probably why Jesus of Nazareth, His Son, was also a carpenter while on this earth.
[It is He (our heavenly Father) ... who stretches out the heavens like a curtain] (Isa. 40:22).
[For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers] (Ps. 24:2).
He [has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure, weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance] (Isa. 40:12). With an elaborate design and accurate measurement [He founded it: He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited] (Isa. 45:18, NIV). And then [He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth] (Acts 17:26). [Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good] (Gen. 1:31).

What an excellent workmanship of our Father it is! What a loving, tender care He has for His children! The first home that our Father made for us was not as it is today: dark, dreary and filthy into which, because the roof (sky) collapsed, rain and snow pour down. It was always new, bright, sunny mild and comfortable because there were no snowstorms or rainstorms. Beautiful flowers never faded and not a leaf from the tree fell to the ground. There were no tears, no pain, no sorrow, no sigh; and no sounds of mourning over death of family members. It was a home in which no shadow of sorrow could be found. Instead, it was always full of joy and happiness, immortal life, unceasing pleasure, cheerful smiles and songs of praise. This beautiful world was not always a haunt of horrible demons where thieves swarm like they do today. Neither burglars, murderers nor even mischievous boys who mimic thieves were found there. Lions and deer, wolves and lambs, all sorts of animals and birds lived together; neither the sound of roaring nor even a breath of fury, or anger were heard the. They were all one family, loving and helping, playing together in peace, joy and love. O what a beautiful home it was! But now, where has it disappeared to? Why must we live in this terrible home? It has become so horrible that daily events of terror make us doubt what we see and hear, trembling with surprise and fear. Why has it become like this? Before we search for the reason, let us take a look at the first home our Father made for us with His own hands in devotion and love.

After God had created the heavens and the earth, on the earth He [planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food; the Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river] of life [went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four river heads. The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which encompasses the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and onyx stone are there. The name of the second ... the third ... the fourth... The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend it and keep it] (Gen. 2:8-15). [And indeed, it was very good] (Gen. 1;31). And above all, [God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it] (Gen. 2:3).

While reading a book called [the Story of Redemption,] I was attracted by the following story. "As the earth came forth from the hand of its Maker, it was exceedingly beautiful. Its surface was diversified with mountains, hills, and plains, interspersed with noble rivers and lovely lakes; but the hill and mountains were not abrupt and rugged, abounding in terrific steeps and frightful chasms as they do now. The sharp, jagged edges of earth's rocky frame-work were buried beneath fruitful soil, producing a luxuriant growth of verdure everywhere. There were no loathsome swamps or barren deserts. Graceful shrubs and delicate flowers greeted the eye at every turn. The heights were crowned with trees more majestic than any that now exist. The air, untainted by foul miasma, was clear and healthful. The entire landscape outvied in beauty the decorated grounds of the proudest palace. The angelic host viewed the scene with delight, and rejoiced at the wonderful works of God."

"As Adam came forth from the hand of his Creator, " from the womb of his Father, "he was of lofty stature and perfect symmetry. His countenance bore the ruddy tint of health and glowed with the light of life and joy. Adam's height was much greater than that of men who now inhabit the earth. Eve was somewhat less in stature; yet her form was noble and full of beauty. The sinless pair wore no artificial garments; they were clothed with a covering of light and glory such as the angels wear. So long as they lived in obedience to God, this robe of light continued to enshroud them."

"Everything that God had made was the perfection of beauty, and nothing seemed wanting that could contribute to the happiness of the holy pair; yet the Creator gave them still another token of His love by preparing a garden (Eden) especially for their home. A portion of their time was to be occupied in the happy employment of dressing the garden and a portion in receiving the visits of angels, listening to their instruction, and in happy meditation. Their labor was not wearisome, but pleasant and invigorating. This beautiful garden was to be their home, their special residence.

In this garden the Lord placed fruit trees of every description, for usefulness and beauty, also lovely flowers which filled the air with fragrance. Everything was tastefully and gloriously arranged. These were to be the food of the holy pair as He had designed. There were lovely vines growing upright, laden with fruits unseen after the fall of Adam and Eve. The fruits were big and in a variety of colors, some soft red, red, dark red, soft green, and so on. It was the work of Adam and Eve to train the branches of the vine to form bowers, thus making for themselves a dwelling from living trees covered with foliage and fruit. There were fragrant flowers of every hue in rich profusion. In the midst of the garden stood the Tree of Life, surpassing in glory all the other trees. Its fruit appeared like apples of gold and silver, and had the power to perpetuate life, and the leaves contained healing properties.

Very happy were the holy pair in Eden. Unlimited control was given them of every living thing. The lion and the lamb sported together peacefully and harmlessly around them or slumbered at their feet. Birds of every variety of color and plumage flittered among the trees and flowers and about Adam and Eve, while their mellow-toned music echoed among the trees in sweet accord to the praises of their Creator. Adam and Eve were very happy surrounded by the little singers, listening to their songs of joy. This holy pair sang with them songs of love and praise and admiration to God and to His son for all the work of His love that surrounded them. Unceasingly appearing beauty and glory of Eden so filled them with greater reverence, that they expressed their gratitude and admiration to their Creator (their Father)."

This was the original home that our real Father provided for us in the beginning. but to this peaceful home a great storm of misery, disaster, and misfortune approached. This peaceful home was suddenly invaded by Satan, the outrageous, lawless enemy of the universe, the notorious murderer, the bandit, the well-known deceiver with his innumerable agents. They did not carry out their plan like the unwise armies of the world do, flourishing sword, riding on horses or blowing trumpets with a battle cry. If they had invaded in this manner, we could have easily defeated them. [The great dragon ... that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world] (Rev. 12:9), who was thrown down from heaven defeated by [Michael, the great Prince] (Dan. 12:1, Rev. 12:7), He is the chief of treacherous, tricky thieves, notorious for his deceiving wit and schemes; who succeeded in seducing one third of the heavenly angels] (Rev. 12:4). And it was he that devised a scheme to plunder our peaceful home.

Commanding his innumerable agents to be silent, he sneakingly encroached upon the earth and crawled deeply into the midst of our Eden home. He gained access to Eve who was naive and inexperienced. After gaining control over the pure and innocent Eve with ease, the cunning enemy used Eve, a loving companion of her husband Adam, to seduce him as well. And so Adam was ensnared by the scheme of the merciless enemy, and immediately our peaceful home fell into the murderer's hands, steadily becoming what it is today, a den of thieves and burglars. Since then we have been wandering aimlessly from place to place as homeless nomads for six thousand years until now.

Our real Father loved us so much that He personally begot us, raised us, and made us a beautiful home (the earth) and a garden (Eden) as our eternal nest. But He became terribly worried when He found that His loving children had fallen into the hands of Satan, that outrageous deceiver. And so, in order to reclaim us, He wandered about day and night looking for His lost children, sacrificing Himself completely until now. At last He is able to possess us into His bosom as He so earnestly desired. Oh what a persevering love it is! What a wondrous love it is! What a love it is!

* Back to Our Home Again

Now let us go back to our home, our original home; back to our sweet home that our Father has made for us and restored for us. The enemy who had robbed us of our home has been forever defeated by the Lord Jesus our Eldest Brother, who has recovered for us our home after a bloodshedding battle. On top of our recovered home is raised the glorious bloodstained banner of Immanuel. And our Father stands waiting for us, to lead us back to our home that He has made with such great love and dedicated elaboration.
My dear brothers and sisters! Let us all together return to our sweet home, our eternal home, where our loving Father stands waiting for us. Let us enjoy a life of eternal happiness with our Father there, forever and ever!

[And you, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come, even the former dominion shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem](Micah 4:8).
[You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land anymore be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah (My delight is in her), and your land Beulah (Married); for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married](Isa. 62:4).

Praise the Lord! Glory to our Father!